Sunday, December 16, 2007


What a busy weekend! We had a great time. On Friday night, the kids put on a play titled The Redneck Holiday. Troy and Harrison were opposing Santas fighting for the affections of Carolyn. I was laughing so hard I almost wet my pants. Bob sat silent. Tiffany directed and played the part of the sleeping child. Sully was a Spiderman elf. Saturday, they spent a long time in the yard shooting the bow. I think Harrison came in first and Tiff came in second and it's still fun and games because nobody lost an eye. Then we had "clean out the fridge day" at lunch. I pull out all the leftovers and the kids love it. I think it might even tie for first place with Greek or hibachi....maybe they just like to eat. BTW- Carolyn and Sully make a mean egg salad. We also decorated the front yard and finally got the tree up...
but the only decoration was a lightsaber.Then we went to a reunion. Paw-Paw had five brothers and six sisters...and they had kids...and they had kids...and they had kids...and there is a lot of them now!
I made the boys wear matching shirts and the others wear olive green...that's the only power I wield. I'm just kidding. I don't hold that much power around this place...but it's nice to think I do.Presley, Sherry, Talon and St. Nick.I was trying to embarrass Tiff in front of Devon, my "cute preppy cousin"...she was trying not to punch me. I might also add that I knew I was getting old when I heard myself say, "So that's what a prep looks like now?" I don't know who the kid in orange is, but he seemed content to sit in the middle of our crowd and watch...
and then we found someone with a Bionicle...lots of ohhhs and ahhhs! You'd think we've never seen a plastic toy with lots of little parts. On Sunday, we went to Sunday school and then big church. Sully insisted on going to big church. He laid on the floor under the pew and every time the pastor would say "transform", we would hear a little gasp and "He said transformers!" in a whisper. Then we hit the Mexican restaurant and then to photograph houses for Beck and then we took the cousins home. I was trying really hard to keep Sully awake, so I stopped to buy him some chips. This is big deal to my kids. I act like the inside of a gas station is something only to be visited on long trips or major emergencies...minor emergencies are often handled in an office park or behind a bank so we don't have to get into a fight at the candy isle. I thought Sully would stay awake if he had something salty and quite...

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