Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Send Us Another Brother Moses!


Anonymous said...

Hysterical! At night we sing, "pajamas, pajamas....pajamas in the name of the lord. Pajamas, pajamas....hope you like jammies too."

amy said...

ahahahahaha you're busted!

You gonna have to turn Harrison onto Bob Marley

Denise said...

harrison has been a marley fan since we saw damien in '06...he thought they shared some cosmic connection since they both have a dad named bob. he loves get up stand up and redemption song (old pirates). sully likes natty dread...he probably thinks a dreadlock is a weapon or something.

heather- we do that, too...some nights...but it's "pajamas, pajamas, pajamas, pajamas, I put pajamas on you". most nights it goes more like "this is the last time I'm telling you or no books." ;)