Sunday, August 10, 2008


we had an afternoon on the town trying to wrap up our list of things to do this summer. we didn't get them all accomplished, but we put a pretty big dent in it. we took sully to camp and harrison and I hit the ground running. we purchased school shoes, new lunchboxes, restaurant bowls from crate and barrel (that was for me), chick-fil-a for lunch and registered harrison for school!
first stop after picking sully up from camp was the children's museum. I expected fernbank with rounded corners, but it was like a big playground....but it was air conditioned and that's all that matters sometimes. if you are interested, we got tickets at the half price ticket booth at lenox.

we ran into one of sully's school friends and his little brother

I didn't understand why a seal was doing the cat pose and the bear was the camel?? isn't this place supposed to educational...this just confused me. ;)

harrison at work at the moon sand table... harrison's...ummm...statue.... sully getting comfortable so I could read him a book and a little more comfortable...
and a little more comfortable...
(it was a long book)
then we went fishing...
and tumbling...
and swinging... and building...
and ball dumping...

and then they closed...
so we started on our next project-
drum roll please!

the mom and dad history tour!

first stop:
where dad went to college and mom worked as a liaison officer for AOB during the '96 games. fyi- they were much more impressed by my watching men beat each other senseless for gold than bob's silly accomplishments.

next stop, as granny would say:
where we set up housekeeping.
oh how the old neighborhood has changed!

and so has the house. here is a peak from the
backdoor into the kitchen...
you know you wanted to look, too!I left out parts of the story, but did tell them if we ever own pet
rats, they will be appropriately named leary and hillestad... harrison was relieved to see the dancing mailbox made it through the construction and many renovations... if you care to know the back story- pop-pop and bob sent me on a mission to depot to get a mailbox. this one was really warped... I identified with it. I said it looked like it was dancing. pop-pop was born with an internal plumb line and level. so they thought I was crazy!
...imagine that?
next stop:
the church where we got married.
we looked through the windows there, too. sully said, "wow! I think God might be in that place." I wish I could have shown them the sanctuary. It really is beautiful.
we passed the location of our first date, r. thomas,
and then to mama fu's!

and super fun day totally lived up to its name!!

1 comment:

amy climie said...

LOL at the rat names...

even I miss your old house..those were the days.