Monday, September 08, 2008


I haven't posted any of the back-to-school pictures because I still haven't accepted the fact that summer is over. The boys are both doing very well and I guess I should be thankful....I am thankful, but also sad...

Here is Harrison looking to see whose class he is in the night before registration. He is finally in a class with Alexander, but lost his good friend, Alex. He wasn't sure about the teacher, but we looked in the yearbook and the class pet, a guinea pig, had her photo taken and was listed with the students. As far as he was concerned, it was a sign that things were going to be alright so he called his best friend to share the good news...
and here he is on the first a second grader!! Things are better than I could have hoped or prayed for...I just wish he would quit calling me by his teacher's name!
Sully didn't go back until last week. He was so ready and he loves Pre-K! Here he is at the end of his first day. Notice the nifty bag he decorated. He drew Bob in the star...
looks a little like Homer Simpson to me. I'm the blue figure to the right and I'm trying to throw out an anchor. I don't why I'm adrift, but I'm also very thin! woohoo!
I look at Sully's goals for this year and it's hard to believe my baby is going to be writing his first, middle, and last name...know his street address with zip code...counting to 100...recognizing numbers 1-20...and so on.
I really can't handle them growing up this quickly. It doesn't help that Harrison taunts me in the van with, "I'm going to be in third grade next year." When I respond, "I'm going to home school."; he stops. I am very thankful that he loves school so much that I can threaten with pulling him out as punishment....just slow down, OK!?

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