Monday, April 28, 2008


they smile when they are low
or grimace when they are tired? Harrison has two more practices and three shows. He's doing well and having a good time. I'm trying really hard not to mess with him too much, but it's so hard. Today I got to go into great detail about what Bonnie Promfret says about using a neti-pot. His face was priceless. But he's been taking a nap every afternoon...some days are harder than others to get him up and moving. I'm going to leave a note on his alarm clock telling him to take a shower in the morning or he's going to smell like he's in a production of Cats 2: Aunt Beck's Carport. The story of Cheerleader and Jack. Two felines caught in a love octagon....ok we couldn't do that one at church ;) .

Friday, April 25, 2008


Harrison's t-ball league sponsors a parents vs. players event every season. It is so much fun. The parents have to bat with the opposite hand and the players have never lost. Can you believe that? We must have a really talented crop of kids around here ;) . Then when the game is over, they feed us dinner. I just love church-sponsored recreation. Sully's first at bat.
He needed a little help getting to first.
and was very disappointed when he didn't make it.
I don't think anyone knew who had the ball or if he was even tagged...

By the end of the game, Sully had enough of waiting his turn and getting tagged out. He is on his tummy looking at the trees in deep right field. I don't think team sports is his thing right now. I see weight lifting in his future...

And most importantly...I got two hits!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Saturday, April 19, 2008


make me happy.

If I had a day that I could give you
I'd give to you a day just like today

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Harrison and Alexander made spears with rocks, sticks, and electrical tape. Harrison asked if indians used tape...Grandpa and I said yes. We had a long story about how there is a tape producing organ in the buffalo. fyi- it makes electrical and duct tape. I'm going to have to stop messing with them at some's just so much fun.

Friday, April 11, 2008


It's been a while since I posted some pictures of Mace, aka: Sully's little brother...because heaven knows he not getting one any other way :) . But Mace is doing well. He's put on a lot of weight and all of it muscle. He's freakishly strong. The separation anxiety is better as long as he's not left indoors, but he still runs like a greyhound if he gets loose...I half expect to hear someone with a mic to say, "Here comes the bunny!". I spared my dear blog readers what happened to our real bunny :( . Anyway, his first allergy season with us doesn't seem to be bothering him at all. He had been in the woods chasing whatever it is that makes him bark his head off, when I finally got him to come inside he had a clean yellow line across his nose. Looking at it made my eyes water. Oh if the rest of us could only tolerate it as well! ready to pounce...that's all muscle folks!
We hang his toys from the clothes line to help entertain him.
And then he wants us to chase him after he gets it...
I just love him!

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Today we were at the park for a little spring break fun and to do some portraits. We were in the woods and Sully found a stick. Guess what he named the stick? Pecker! So Monica takes the boys to the playground; Alex, Harrison, Sully and the Pecker. While I'm in the woods photographing Jess, Sully asked Harrison if he would like to trade Peckers in front of the other moms. Lucky Monica. Then the worst possible thing...a little girl got Sully's Pecker! He had to apologize for screaming at her. It's a sunny 75 degrees, sliding boards, sand toys, bars for climbing and swinging... Monica and I agree to sit guarding Pecker... seriously!? I'm starting to think he does these things on purpose. If Captain Master Uncle Wes wasn't six hours away, I would have no doubts!

Wednesday, April 09, 2008


Sully climbed on my chest when I was laying in the bed this morning. He squeezed me and said, "I will protect you."

I told him thanks and that he was brave. He said, "I will protect 'til dad gets back from his business trip."

Later, we were playing in the playroom when I used the word shucks. He asked me why I said that and I told him it was something people say when they are frustrated.

Sully replied, "I don't say shucks. I say something else."

I thought long and hard about this one before I asked what. He makes up words and uses them a lot. They usually rhyme, are silly, and sometimes profane. I just had to tell him to quit saying "f*cky f*ck" because it had been shouted one too many times over the last few weeks. To my knowledge, he's never heard that word...but I do wonder how his teacher refrain ;). I feared if he knew he'd discovered a bad one, he would use it even our battles over butt and fart and stupid. Unfortunately, people never hear the "lucky luck, ducky duck"...only his crescendo.

So I took the bait and asked, "What do you say?"

Without missing a beat, he says "I just say SUCKS!"

It amazes me how he can be so sweet one minute and so mischievous the next.

Then tonight Harrison was giving me a lesson on how to make a new kind of paper airplane. I handed him the sheet of paper and he rotated it horizontally. I heard him say, "First, you turn it hamburgerly."

I asked him to repeat that step and always the good teacher he said, "You turn it long-ways...humburgerly."

I guess vertical is french-frierly??

Saturday, April 05, 2008


Easter was way too early this year so I'm posting my
Easter pictures when it should have been...
as a protest to early, drab, flowerless Easters...
coloring of the eggs

the eggs
martha stewart beware...
the bunny the milk-free dark chocolate
yummy... the church shoes

the boys the kite
he was pretty good at flying it and it's now
stuck in the power lines at uncle butch's
pop-pop was very disappointed
the milk-free chocolate bunny cake by sassy
the egg hunt
uncle pat and harrison
the boys...again...
uncle pat
he got dressed up for easter, too
and even braided his hair...
more interested in hunting
cars up on blocks than eggs
the hammock
sully, jesse, rylee, harrison, talon
the flashback
Easter 1979
who is that precious little girl??
uncle wes
and now that it's april and spring break...happy easter!

Thursday, April 03, 2008


you are playing on the playground and the next... you are in the waiting room.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008


harrison has always been an art project machine. here is one from last weekend. sully said it was a plate of donuts. I put a lot of them into books or they get taped to a bedroom door, but we have to throw away some...plate of donuts might just get gobbled up by the recycling officer. then we have the really cute ones like this guy...
and then we have the really funny ones...the ones I get to show him when he's older...he told me his friend, alex, helped him write the dialogue. it goes like this...
"are you sick for mor"
"bring it on"
"I wodt say that if I wer you"
"come on"
"are you scard"

and the person being attacked by three sharks
while the pirates fight it out:

"halp me!"

Tuesday, April 01, 2008


the Italian Ice was yummy and it took some work to get the drops from the bottom of the cup?